Since 2017, I have been the Lead Pastor at The Bridge Church in North Vancouver, BC. North Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in North America. It is also one of the most secular, and I love the challenge of proclaiming the good news of Jesus in a place like this! I am married to Carolyn and have two amazing kids I am continually blessed by: Natalie and Zachary. I received my Masters of Divinity from Vancouver’s Regent College in 2014. “Masters of Divinity” has to be one of the most pretentious-sounding academic degrees you could find, and a good example of false advertising!
Aside from my passion for the Gospel, for my family, and for pastoral ministry, I love sports. Particularly basketball, which, growing up on the Canadian prairies, became one of many instances in my life of going against the flow. I also love reading, riding roller coasters, sitting in hot tubs, and watching shows with my wife (The Office is hands down the favourite here).
I am a sinner saved by grace. I don’t have everything figured out but I’m convinced that there is life and hope in Jesus, and my deep desire is for others to know that. On this site, I just want to offer some of what I believe God has given me, and if it can encourage you in some way, I’m grateful.
For more information on The Bridge Church, a church I love and that I see God doing great things in and through, here’s the website! If you want to reach me, you can do it at craig@bridgenorthvan.ca.