World Reframed: Sex, Marriage, and Relationships (Genesis 2) Posted by By Craig August 9, 2021Posted inGenesis 1-3, Sermons What does the Bible tell us about sex, marriage, and relationships?
World Reframed: The Holiness of Work (Genesis 1-2) Posted by By Craig August 19, 2021Posted inGenesis 1-3, Sermons Is work just a means to an end? Is it our identity? Or is it a God-given gift with the capacity for holiness?
Why Talk About Uncomfortable Things (Like COVID)? Posted by By Craig August 3, 2021Posted inAssorted, Blog Should preachers stay away from controversial and potentially divisive topics like pandemic restrictions?
Cultivate the Craving for Pure Spiritual Milk Posted by By Craig August 2, 2021Posted inAssorted, Blog What does it mean to crave spiritual milk? How do you cultivate that craving? 1 Peter 2:2-3
Word Reframed: Sin, the Deadly Detour (Genesis 3:1-13) Posted by By Craig August 20, 2021Posted inGenesis 1-3, Sermons What was the nature of the first sin? And why did it represent such a detour for all of humanity?
World Reframed: Enter the Curse (Genesis 3:14-24) Posted by By Craig September 2, 2021Posted inGenesis 1-3, Sermons Why is there brokenness in the world? What are the consequences of the curse of sin?